How to Change Shopify Store Name 

Learn how to change your Shopify store name and URL with our simple steps. Although the process might sound scary, it’s easy to follow with the right guide. So relax and read our step-by-step guide — you’ll have a brand-new Shopify store name in no time.

Considerations Before You Get Started 

  • Remember, while changing the store name is a straightforward process, ensuring that the new name aligns with your branding and overall business strategy is crucial. 
  • Inform your customers and other stakeholders about the name change to make sure the details of your rebrand are clear. This can also help you avoid losing customers during the transition phase. 

How to Change Your Shopify Store Name: 5 Steps

Changing your Shopify store’s name can be a simple process, but it’s important to ensure that you’re making the right decision for your brand and considering all the implications. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to change your online store name:

  1. Log in to Your Account
    • Preparation: Before you start, ensure you have your login credentials handy.
    • Access the website: Open your preferred browser and go to the Shopify login page.
    • Enter credentials: Input your store’s domain name, email, and password to log in.
  2. Navigate to Settings
    • Dashboard overview: Once you’re logged in, you’ll be taken to the main dashboard, which provides an overview of your store’s current status and activity.
    • Find the settings option: On the left-hand side of the dashboard, look for the ‘Settings’ option. This is usually located towards the bottom of the list.
  3. Go to General
    • Inside settings: The ‘Settings’ page houses various store settings from payments to shipping.
    • Locating the general option: Among the several settings, locate and click on the ‘General’ option. It is typically one of the first few options in the list.
  4. Edit Store Name
    • Store details section: Once you’re in the ‘General’ settings, look for the ‘Store details’ section.
    • Locate store name field: Here, you’ll notice a field labeled ‘Store name’. This field displays the current name of your Shopify store.
    • Changing the name: Click inside this field to edit. Erase the old name and type in your new desired store name.
  5. Save
    • Do not forget: An important aspect after making any changes is to save them; otherwise, they won’t be applied.
    • Locating the save button: At the bottom right of the ‘General’ settings page, there’s a ‘Save’ button.
    • Finalize changes: Click on this ‘Save’ button to ensure your new shop name is updated and stored.

MORE: Learn how Shopify reports work

How to Change Shopify Store URL

For those of us who are not IT wizards, changing a URL may sound like using dark magic. However, the process is straightforward with the right guidance. So, if you’re worried about all the steps you have to take — fear not. Here’s a detailed guide on how to navigate through each section, and create a brand-new Shopify store complete with a domain name:

1. Understanding Shopify URLs

  • “.myshopify” URL: Every Shopify store is given a unique “” URL when it’s first created. This URL is primarily for admin access and cannot be used for branding.
  • Custom domain: For branding and to give your store a professional look, Shopify allows you to connect a custom domain, like ““.

2. Login to Shopify

  • Access the website: Visit Shopify’s official website.
  • Enter your credentials: Use your store’s credentials to log in to your Shopify admin dashboard.

3. Navigate to the Domains Section

  • Online store option: In your Shopify dashboard, locate and click on the ‘Domains’ option on the left sidebar.

4. Changing Your URL

  • For “.myshopify” URL:
  1. Locate ‘Change primary domain’: Within the Domains page, there will be an option labeled ‘Change primary domain’. Click on this.
  2. Follow the prompts: An on-screen guide will direct you through the process. As mentioned earlier, this action is irreversible, so ensure you are certain about the change.
  • For custom domain:
  1. Buying a new domain: If you aim to switch to a completely new custom domain, you can purchase one directly through Shopify or from third-party domain registrars.
  2. Connecting an existing domain: If you already own a domain, select the option to connect an existing domain and follow the on-screen instructions to point your domain to your Shopify store.

5. Update Redirects and Linked Services

  • Third-party apps/services: If you’ve integrated third-party apps, tools, or services that utilize your old URL, ensure they are updated with your new address. This step is crucial to maintain a seamless user experience and ensure tools function correctly.
  • Check for broken links: After changing your domain, conduct thorough testing to ensure there are no broken links on your website, emails, or promotional materials.

MORE: How to Change Domain Name

5 Reasons to Change Your Shopify Store Name

Let’s delve deeper into the reasons you might consider changing your Shopify store name:

1. Rebranding

Over time, businesses can undergo significant transformations. What might have started as a hobby or a small project could now be a major enterprise, or perhaps the core values and mission of the business have evolved. 

A store name is often the first thing customers notice, so the name must align with the brand’s current image, values, and messaging. If the original name doesn’t resonate with the brand’s present identity, it might be the right time for a rebrand, starting with a name change.

MORE: Tips for Branding Your Shopify Store 

2. Expanded Product Line

Many businesses start with a very specific or niche product offering. As the business grows, so might the product range. 

For instance, a store that began by selling only handmade candles might now offer a broader range of home decor items. In such cases, a name that is too specific to the initial product can be limiting and misleading, suggesting a need for a name that encompasses the broader range.

MORE: What is Shopify Plus?

3. Mergers and Acquisitions

If two companies decide to merge or one company acquires another, the resulting entity might need a new identity to represent both businesses’ combined strengths, products, and services. A new name can help present a unified front, showcasing the synergy and unique offerings that result from the merger or acquisition.

4. Legal Reasons

It’s possible that a business name, when chosen, was not thoroughly vetted for trademark or copyright conflicts. As a store gains visibility, it might attract the attention of other entities with similar or legally registered names. To avoid legal complications or disputes, it might be necessary to change the store name.

5. Feedback and Research

Active businesses often engage in market research or solicit feedback from their customer base. This feedback can offer insights into how the store name is perceived. Perhaps customers find it hard to remember, difficult to spell, or associate it with a different kind of product or service. In such scenarios, where research indicates potential improvements, it might be wise to consider renaming the store for better market appeal, clarity, and memorability.

MORE: How to Open a Shopify Store

How to Find a New Shopify Name 

If you’re struggling to come up with a new name for your store, then you can use our Shopify Name Generator and come up with 1000s of Shopify Store Names. Plus, complement your chosen name with a fitting logo to elevate your store’s identity.

Takeaway Points

In conclusion, a store’s name plays an essential role  in brand identity, customer perceptions, and overall market positioning. Changing it is not a decision to be taken lightly, but there are valid scenarios where a name change could be beneficial for growth, brand alignment, and legal clarity.

Here are the key points you should take away from this article:

  • The process is straightforward. Changing your store’s name and URL is a simple process with this step-by-step guide.
  • Clarity is key. When choosing a new name, ensure it’s clear, concise, and reflects your brand’s ethos.
  • Notify customers. If you have a sizable customer base, inform them about the change to avoid confusion.
  • Check availability. Before finalizing a new name, check domain availability if you’re considering a custom domain.
  • Remember the “.myshopify” limitation. You can change the “.myshopify” URL only once, so choose wisely.

MORE: Learn about the best Shopify themes for your store

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Yes, you can rename your Shopify store. The name you give your store in the Shopify dashboard is primarily for your reference and can be changed whenever you want.

Store Name: Log into your Shopify admin dashboard, navigate to 'Settings', choose ‘General’, and under the ‘Store details’ section, you'll see the ‘Store name’ field. Edit and save changes. URL: You can only change the "" URL once.For custom domains, you can buy a new one or connect an existing domain through the 'Domains' section under 'Online Store'.

Yes. Navigate to 'Settings', select 'General', select ‘Store details’ and edit the 'Billing information' field. Save changes.

You can change your "" URL only once. After that change, it's permanent.

You can change the name of your Shopify store an unlimited number of times. However, remember that the "" URL can only be changed once.


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