Podcast Statistics 2023: How Many People Listen to Podcasts? 

Are you wondering what the podcast statistics are for 2023? Explore the continuous growth of the podcast industry in this article.

Number of Podcast Listeners

There are 164 million monthly podcast listeners in the United States as of 2023. Looking at the statistics provided by Statista, the number of monthly listeners is only expected to grow in the coming years. 

Since 2020, the number of monthly listeners has grown by 61 million. From true-crime documentaries to interviews with celebrities from all across the globe, podcasts have taken the world by a storm, and it doesn’t look like they will stop any time soon. 

Key Statistics

Here are the key monthly podcast listener statistics in the US from 2013 to 2023:

YearNumber of Monthly Podcast Listeners (in millions)

One of the reasons for the popularity of podcasts is their convenience and accessibility. With a smartphone and an internet connection, listeners can tune into their favorite shows from anywhere and at any time. Podcasts are also a great way for people to stay informed and up-to-date with their interests and hobbies, whether it’s keeping up with the latest news or learning a new skill.

In addition to entertainment and education, podcasts have also become a valuable marketing tool for businesses and entrepreneurs. By hosting a podcast, they can build their podcast brand, connect with their audience, and establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry.

As technology continues to advance, it’s likely that podcasting will continue to evolve and grow. Whether you’re a listener, a creator, or a marketer, podcasts are a powerful tool for sharing information, building connections, and entertaining audiences worldwide. 

MORE: How to start your own podcast

Who Listens to Podcasts?

According to Statista, the share of adults in the United States who claimed they listened to a podcast at least once in the past month in 2022, by generation, is as follows:

GenerationsPercentage as of December 2022
Gen Z51%
Gen X41%
Baby Boomers24%

The reasons for these generational differences in podcast listening habits are varied. 

Younger generations, such as Millennials (59%) and Gen Z (51%), may be more tech-savvy and more likely to consume media on-the-go using their smartphones. Additionally, the rise of social media and the influence of influencers in these generations may have contributed to the growth of niche podcasts tailored to specific interests and personalities.

Older generations such as Gen X (41%) and Baby Boomers (24%) may be more likely to listen to news and programs on TV, which is why the statistics for their podcast listenership are lower.

Podcast Listeners By Country or Region

According to the information provided by Statista, in 2023, the share of podcast listeners among internet users in selected countries or regions is as follows:

Country or RegionPercentage of Listeners
North America42.4%
Western Europe29.8%
Latin America28.4%
South Korea14.4%

This data highlights the growing popularity of podcasts as a form of entertainment and information sharing, with a significant percentage of internet users tuning in to listen. 

The higher percentages in North America and Western Europe, i.e., 42.4% and 29.8%, respectively, could be attributed to the fact that podcasting has been popular in these regions for longer than in other areas. 

However, the lower percentages in countries like China (11.3%), South Korea (14.4%), and Japan (14%) suggest that podcasting is still in its early stages of adoption in these regions, presenting opportunities for growth and expansion in the future.


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Podcast Listener Preferences

According to the statistics, the share of people who have listened to podcasts weekly has grown steadily from 7% in 2013, to 28% in 2021, and fell by 2% in 2022. The graph below illustrates the weekly US audio podcast listenership from 2013 to 2022:

Here are the rest of the weekly podcast statistics:

  • The biggest raise in listenership happened from 2018 to 2019, with a 5% raise.
  • The second largest happened in 2020 to 2021, probably due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The listenership rose by 4%. 
  • The podcast growth has been slow and steady from 2013 to 2018, most likely due to the rise of popularity of podcasts. 

MORE: What are the most popular podcasts?

Podcast Listeners Demographics

The statistics below provide information on how many people listen to podcasts on a monthly basis in the US by age group.

According to Statista, in 2022, the share of people who listen to podcast on a monthly basis was 50% for listeners aged 12 to 34. For ages 35 to 54, the share was 43%, and for people over 55 years old, the share was only 22%. Statistics show that younger generations listen to podcasts more frequently than the older ones, probably due to more technological awareness. 

As for the gender of people listening to podcasts in Canada and the US, in 2021, the percentage of male listeners was 31%, and the percentage of females was 28%. 

Preferred Format by Listeners

Some podcast listeners prefer to watch and listen to their favorite podcasters. In the statistics below, we can see the preferred format (with video or without video) of podcast listeners in the US.

According to the Statistics provided by Statista, the preferred podcast format (with or without video) in the US is as follows:

GenerationListening without videoListening with video
All US Adults26%32%
Gen Z28%42%
Gen X31%28%
Baby Boomers21%25%

These findings suggest that different age groups have varying preferences when it comes to consuming podcasts, with younger generations more inclined towards consuming video content alongside audio, while older generations are more comfortable with just audio. This information can be useful for podcast creators and marketers who are looking to target specific age groups with their content.

MORE: What business category are podcasts?

Where do People Listen to Podcasts

According to Statista, YouTube is the most popular podcast provider in the US, with a 33% share of podcast listeners. YouTube takes the first place, as it’s a well-established platform with a massive user base that is already familiar with consuming video content. 

In second place is Spotify, with a 24% share of podcast listeners. Spotify has aggressively invested in podcasts over the past few years, acquiring popular shows and exclusive content deals to build out its library. The platform’s investment seems to have paid off, with many users turning to Spotify as a go-to destination for their podcast needs.

Apple Podcasts comes in third place with a 12% share of podcast listeners, despite being the platform that essentially kickstarted the podcasting industry back in the early 2000s. 

Other popular podcast providers in the US include Pandora, iHeart Radio, SiriusXM, and Stitcher, each with a smaller share of listeners. Additionally, 4% of respondents reported that they don’t listen to podcasts on any of these platforms, while another 4% said they use “other” providers.

Although podcasting is a very popular form of entertainment, not everyone is a fan of the art. A small percentage of US and European citizens gave reasons why they do not consume podcasts:

  • In both the US and Europe, 20% of people said that they don’t have enough time to listen to podcasts. 
  • In the US, 9% of people said that they don’t know what a podcast is, while in Europe 17% of people gave the same reason.
  • 18% of people in the US, and 19% of people in Europe stated that podcasts don’t provide them with anything that they can’t already find somewhere else. 
  • 12% of people in the US and 14% in Europe said that they don’t want to have to listen to podcasts via a mobile phone or a headphone set.
  • 10% of people in the US and Europe said that they don’t know how to or where to find podcasts.
  • 9% of people in the US and 8% in Europe said that they don’t know where to start.
  • 12% of people in the US and 8% in Europe think that podcasts are boring. 
  • 6% of people in Europe and 8% in the US think that there aren’t any podcasts that cover interesting topics

MORE: Learn about the history of podcasts

Key Takeaways

Podcasts are a popular form of entertainment and information sharing, with an estimated 164 million people tuning in to podcasts every month in the United States alone in 2023. Younger generations, such as millennials and Gen Z, are more likely to consume media on-the-go using their smartphones, leading to their higher percentages of podcast listeners. 

YouTube is the most popular podcast provider in the US. Different age groups have varying preferences when it comes to consuming podcasts, with younger generations more inclined towards consuming video content alongside audio, while older generations are more comfortable with just audio.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

As of December 2022, around 40% of US adults listen to podcasts at least once during the past month.

Many podcast hosting platforms provide statistics and analytics that can tell you how many downloads, plays, and subscribers a podcast has. If you know the podcast's hosting platform, you can usually find this information by logging into the platform's dashboard. The accuracy of these methods may vary, and there's no surefire way to determine a podcast's exact number of listeners. Some podcasters may choose not to disclose their listener numbers for privacy or strategic reasons.

In America, in 2023, around 38% of the population listens to podcasts.

According to statista, it’s estimated that the number of music, radio and podcasts listeners will grow by 3% by 2027.

There are around 5097 podcasts in the top 1% as of 2023.


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